7 important rules to improve site performance in search engine

There is no way to compete in search engine results except after improving the performance of the site, as it is not possible for the site to succeed without it, and there are basic indicators that sites do not appear until after they are available.

The performance of the site must be strong in order to be able to compete, but the search engine Google is constantly making adjustments to improve search results and the last one is to modify the page experience for users.

This mod measures page loading speed, page interaction speed, visual stability, HTTPS security, and the absence of interstitial ads on the page.

Most important rules for improving website performance

Optimizing the SEO of the websites means working on it technically to improve the performance of the content, and the performance of the site, and build real links between your site and other sites.

All of these methods fall under the white hat strategies, as they represent the basic rules that must be followed, as they help customers trust the site and thus increase the visibility of the site in search engine results.

Crawling and Indexing Pages

Google's algorithms index the content of your site through your URLs, by crawling and indexing your information and providing it to the user if requested by Googlebot.

Crawling is on new, updated pages to be added to the site's indexing, and it searches every page you crawl to store all that information and where it is.

Also, through the Coverage page in the Google search console, you can track problems or errors that may cause google not to index your site, as well as those pages that have problems and do not appear in search engine results.

Sitemaps also help crawl and index the content on a site. Sitemaps are also used to provide information about pages, videos, and other files on a site and to show the relationship between them.

Therefore, you may need to index the site in the following cases:

  • If your site is very large, i.e. over 500 pages, large sites often need to be indexed so that the crawler does not miss any of the site pages.
  • You have pages that are not well connected to each other or your site contains a lot of orphaned content pages.
  • Your site is new or if you use a few external links, good external links help to make your site better and easier.
  • When your site contains a lot of interactive multimedia content such as images or videos.

Site Structure

The site consists of various topics that are related to each other, so the structure of the site refers to the organization of the content on the site in a way that is easy for the browser or the visitor to deal with.

The site architecture deals with how we group, link, and present content to a visitor.

A well-structured site makes it easier for users to navigate and also helps Google better index the site's URLs.

Categories & Tags and internal links help to better organize and structure the site.

Imagine that you own a site that talks about cars and you write an article about cars every day. By the end of the year, you will have 365 articles and no one will be able to find the appropriate content that they are looking for.

But if you break them down into Security, Motor, Maintenance, etc., this will make it easier for the user to find the information they are looking for and will also help Google understand and track the URLs of your site.

Therefore, the better you organize your site, the easier it will be for the crawler to find and index the data on your site. Also, attention to the structure of the site helps to give a better User Experience.

Site Speed

Since 2010, Google has added site speed to the ranking of results in search engines. Paying attention to site speed is important to search engines and is also important to the user experience.

The better the user experience, the greater the possibility of converting a visitor to a customer for you, i.e. increase in the conversion rate. and the slower the site, the more likely the user will close the site and avoid it in the future.

Therefore, you must follow up with the website designer and work to improve its performance on an ongoing basis, and among the most important points that may lead to the slowness of the site, are:

  • Writing the code the wrong way.
  • Adding big resolution, heavy images: that is, the image file space is very large, for example, adding only one or two images in each article and the space of each image is large (for example, 2 to 3 MB), so the speed of the site will decrease with time and the site will be slower.
  • Adding many social media tools on all pages.

You can also measure the site's speed by measuring the loading, interaction, and visual stability of the page through the Page Speed ​​Insights tool or the GT Metrix and working to improve it continuously.

It should also be noted that site speed is one of the main web indicator points that Google relies on to measure the page experience of users and thus the site's ranking in search engine results.

Mobile Friendly

More than 60% of search engine users browse through mobile phones, that is, through different screen sizes.

Therefore, your site must be responsive to different screen sizes, i.e. it changes and reacts to the change in the screen size used in terms of the general design of the site, the format of a speech, images, etc.

Your site's responsiveness can also be tested with Google's "Mobile-Friendly Test" or any other tool.


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Content Quality

One of the most important points that help the site appear in search engines is the quality and update of the content on it and copied, duplicated, useless or deceptive content should be avoided by search engines.

That is, the content must answer the researcher's inquiry and provide him with an answer in the appropriate manner for him, and the content must be continuously updated.

It also helps to download content continuously at the same time to increase the visibility of the site in search engines, and when the article or information fits with the researcher’s query, Google puts it on the first pages.

Of course, the content provided varies according to its goal and the target group as well, so the target customer must be chosen well, to know the most appropriate content for him and choose a writing method that suits him.

The content must also be divided into main titles and sub-titles and an explanation of all those titles, and the keywords must be chosen carefully and used in the context of the topic in their appropriate forms, and it is preferable to use their synonyms.

You should also avoid content that has nothing to do with the site, for example, if your website is all about cars, do not write articles about cosmetics or interpret dreams to increase visitors to the site, as this often reflects negatively on your site and reduces its rating.

URL Simplicity

The more simple and clear the URL of the pages within the site is, the easier it will be for Googlebot to browse through it and show its results to users, and the more users will trust the site.

Among the most important tips to follow:

Use a simple and descriptive URL instead of a complex and non-descriptive one.

For example, use www.example.com/services/benefits, instead of www.example.com/index.php?3a5ebc94.

Separate keywords with hyphens (-) instead of underscores (_).

Shorten the URLs as much as possible, by removing unnecessary information or data.

It is also preferable to follow and review the site to check for invalid links.

Also, if your site contains dynamically changing links like the date changes, it's a good idea to add an "Unfollow" attribute to those pages.

Use Breadcrumb Lists

Use navigation bar menus at the top or bottom of the page from lists of important internal links on your site that help users more easily navigate within the site, and often these links lead to the home page.

Where it must be ensured that the user can navigate between all the pages of the site easily without having to search for them in the search list, to help the user find the content he is looking for easily.

It is also preferable to add internal links to help the user access the information he wants or may want, and these links should be clarified using a different color or font size.


Improving the performance of the site in the results of search engines is a continuous and non-stop process, especially the content presented on the page where the quality of the content must be high and the content itself is not copied or duplicated.

You must also ensure that the site is indexed in the search engine and work to build a clear and easy-to-use structure for the site, taking into account the speed and performance of the site from a technical point of view.

The site must be responsive or mobile-friendly, with navigation bar menus at the top or bottom of the site, and simple and clear URLs.

Comments (8)

  • Comment Author
    Apr 18,2022


    This is great, really useful information. I need to work on my website’s SEO but it gets tricky to know what needs to be done and when. Thank you for sharing your insight!

  • Comment Author
    Apr 20,2022

    Awesome tips, I'm still improving every day to do better with SEO. The mobile version is something I still work on. Thank you for sharing these tips!

  • Comment Author
    Apr 20,2022

    W. Santiago

    This is very useful. I only have one question, do you have to crawl and index each post or just the page that contains all posts?

  • Comment Author
    Apr 20,2022

    Vi Ho

    I just started my website a few months ago and this is useful information for me. I still need to figure out how to use the google search console to help with the performance of my site, and it looks like you have some basic pointers. Thanks for sharing this!

  • Comment Author
    May 18,2022


    Thanks for the great tips.

  • Comment Author
    May 19,2022


    Great tips. I haven't added breadcrumbs, but sounds as though that would be a good idea.

  • Comment Author
    May 20,2022

    Bailey Bachman

    Great tips!

  • Comment Author
    Jun 15,2022


    Great practical and applicable tips. I like the information on crawling and indexing. I will definitely implement these in my new niche sites and recommend to other new niche site builders.

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