Web Design & Development

Web developer writing code
About Web Development

Bring Your Digital Vision to Life with Codology

Welcome to Codology's Web Development services – where creativity, innovation, and expertise converge to craft stunning and functional websites tailored to your unique needs. Whether you're looking to establish an online presence, launch an e-commerce store, or revamp your existing website, our team of seasoned developers is here to turn your vision into reality.

Development Approach

At Codology, we believe that effective web development begins with a deep understanding of your business goals, target audience, and brand identity. Our collaborative approach ensures that every website we create is not just visually appealing, but also strategically designed to drive engagement, conversions, and growth.

Our Core Features

These are features included in every website and web application we develop


Responsive Design

responsive means beautiful, We take care of your site visibility and how it should look like.



the more faster the more traffic, and finally sales.


Optimized code, more security

smaller files take less time to load on clients server, that's very important. and Security is vital.


Search Engine Friendly

Online presence and google ranking is very important, every website is prepared for SEO.


Free After Delivery Support

6 months free support after website delivery, and also year by year support.


Content Management System (CMS)

We build customized CMS for every website depending on needs not just a jeneric one.

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Frequently Ask Questions

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For every website we develop we offer the following:.

  • First Year free Hosting
  • Free Technical support for 6 Months
  • Responsive Custom Design
  • Custom Content management System (CMS) for managing and editing the website
  • Website is prepared for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

if you choose the same hosting providers we choose, then the host will be either in Europe or USA, but if you have another host we will maintain the website until it is live on whatever host you choose, as long as it supports our development language.

The cost for eCommerce website depend on many factors that are not limited to:
how many languages?
who is responsible for data entry?
who is resposible for products photography and photos retouching?
for how long do you need our support/maintenance?
what are you custom requirements?
there's a lot of other factors that decide the price too, but in general, the price starts from 25,000 L.E and increase depending on what are your custom need and requirements and what you dream to have in your website.
we can decide all of this after the first meeting.

we build our website using Asp.net Framework, so we are not a good fit for people who want wordpress built websites, we don't use wordpress, it's CMS (we create a custom one for every website), and we also don't work with PHP nor MySQL .

We typically build almost all websites using:

  • Asp.net framework for development purposes
  • MSSQL for database
  • HTML5 - CSS - JS for front end of the websites

An Average company website takes from 15 to 30 Business Days after all data is provided.
An average e-commerce website may take from 30 to 45 days after all data is provided and of cource time may increase depending on your custom requirements.
Any other type of websites like SaaS or other services and membership website time will be decided depending on the requirements.

Yes, we offer native mobile development for both Android and iOS using the latest technologies.

No. We can get started by using placeholder content while you work towards completing your content. We'll even provide you with a content outline to follow to make things easier. This gives you guidance on the type of text and images that would perform best on your website.
But you must at least inform us about how your business work or how you want your website to be planned.

Sure! we can communicate via phone, email, and online meetings.
We work with clients all over the world. Our whole team works remotely, allowing us to find the absolute best team for our business.

Unfortunately no, we don't either complete nor give maintenance for websites not created by us, but we can give you help if possible.


Ready to take your digital presence to the next level?

Contact us today to discuss your web development project and discover how Codology can help you achieve your goals. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, we're here to support you every step of the way on your digital journey.