What is SEO and its importance in marketing

The great development in all fields led not only to an increase in interest, but also to the necessity of the online presence for companies' websites on search engines, and interest in it became almost necessary to compete in the local and global markets.

Most people Head to different search engines to answer their questions, now most if not all the information that an individual might search for is on the web.

SEO Meaning

SEO is an abbreviation of the word "Search Engine Optimization", which means optimization of search engines rankings, as many people, call it the term "SEO".

And when someone refers to the word SEO, it means improving or developing their own site so that it can compete and appear in different search engines for free on the first page.

Therefore, the site must be improved and developed in everything related to the method of page layout, site content, and speed, which also includes the URL of the site, it is not difficult, but the details of the site must be taken care of in all aspects.

Because if you want to compete, it is not enough for you to appear on the second or third page of the search engine results, but rather on the first page so that researchers or “Searchers” can find the content or product that you offer.

When you search for a specific word or information on Google, for example: “digital marketing”, about  9,730,000,000 results appear on a very large number of pages, and you often find your answer on the first page of the search results, i.e. the “SERP”.

The "SERP" is an abbreviation of the word "Search Engine Resulting Page" and it is the page in which search results appear, whether free or paid results, which is called "SEM".

And "SEM" is an abbreviation for "Search Engine Marketing" and it is also called "Pay-Per-Click Ad", which are paid results that appear at the beginning or end of most search engine pages, often with the word "ad" or "Ad" next to it.

The term SEO also often refers to the person who works to improve the search results of the sites, and more often than not it is preferred to appoint a specialized person responsible for improving the search results.

Importance of improving search engine results

Improving the SEO of your site is one of the most important steps that you must follow to prove your presence in the local and global market. Social media pages are important to establish a presence, but sites are essential to appear professionally.

Of course, the more organized the site, the more professional it will be given to you or your company, thus increasing the customer's confidence in you and your product, and despite the importance of paid results "SEM", the researcher's confidence increases more in the free results that appear to him.

Quality of appearance in search pages

Constant search engine optimization helps your website appear on the first page of search engines.

When the provided content is suitable for the researcher's answer, this helps to increase trust in the site and increase its visibility in search engines, such as the researcher's subscription to the email list or the site's mailing list, or leaving a comment or like on the article.

The more time the searcher spends on the site, the more confidence the engine will have in your site and thus appear on the first page.

Delivering Content to the target audience

The more information is displayed that helps the user to know the products or services that the site offers, the better the content will reach the target audience.

Continuous improvement of the content and the site also helps to increase the customer's knowledge and trust in your product or brand or the so-called "Brand Awareness".

Increase Sales

The more targeted and detailed the content and answers the queries of the researchers, the more visits to the site will be, and thus the “Conversion Rate” will increase,
 i.e. the more fraudulent visitors or customers will turn into customers, and thus increase the sales ratios.

Retargeting and growth

Visitors to the site can be retargeted through social networking sites, and by subscribing to your site, you can communicate with them through mail marketing.

Also, in many cases, the client follows the company through its pages on social networking sites, which helps more spread and growth.


Md Sumon Mia

How search engines work

Search engines like Google, Bing, or others rely on complex algorithms to organize the endless information and data on the web.

Search engines index the "Page Index" pages that they identify by their URL and through which the content and whereabouts are known.

The engine also keeps a copy of the indexed pages, so it can easily find them in the future, and you can index your site through my Google URL Inspection Tool.

After this, the engine crawlers, and spiders are responsible for it. Spiders follow the links between each page and the next, so all the pages on your site must always be interconnected so that the engine can find them.

After the process of crawling and indexing that the search engine does, it starts displaying the results according to their compatibility with the researcher's question, and of course, the results that correspond the most occupy the first positions.

Search engines help users to access information on the Internet, whether the results are articles, research, videos, images, other search suggestions, etc.

The popularity of search engines varies from place to place according to the needs of individuals, markets, services provided by these engines, and the extent of their development, and Google often leads the search engines in most if not all countries of the world.


Google is the most popular search engine in the whole world, as it relies on complex algorithms and is constantly working on developing crawling and indexing methods for sites.

It also excludes inappropriate sites, annoying sites, or "spam", but at the same time, if the site is not compatible with its algorithms, it will not display it in the search results.

It is also characterized by having a lot of extensions or tools that make it easier for users, as well as applications for devices and phones, which makes it the first choice for more than 90% of researchers.

But the competition between sites on it is the largest, the site must work to develop itself continuously to appear in the first results in the search engines.


It is the second most popular search engine in the world, and it is produced by Microsoft after it integrated it with the "Microsoft Edge" browser, and they are working on developing it continuously.

Bing is distinguished by its research in matching images and videos and its answer to the equations presented to it. When researchers put an arithmetic problem with a knot, he answers it or displays sites that answer the same question.

It is also possible to make lists to save the sites or pages that you want to record or refer to from time to time.

Although sites and pages on it are fast in their performance, it is slower than Google in displaying its results and often inappropriate for the researcher's question, and not all of its results are reliable.


It is one of the most famous and oldest search engines, but it has returned to competition again after its decline in the past years and is distinguished by its presentation of free results "Organic Results", as well as the purchasing search "Shopping" and application services and mail.

But it has a lot of ads and doesn't tell the difference between free and paid results, and it doesn't show results history.


Yandex is one of the most popular search engines in the Russian market even before Google, it leads the Russian market with a share of more than 50%.

According to Stat-Counter indicators, since mid-2019, Google has had the largest market share, at about 52%, compared to 45% for Yandex.

 It is also popular in Turkey, Ukraine, China, Germany, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, so it is a suitable search engine when targeting Central Asian and Eastern European countries.

It is available in both English and surreal and is characterized by the provision of high-tech services in addition to its smart and high-quality products, and its results are locally relevant, and it can also be customized to know the results of specific countries.

It also has a premium image search, but it collects user data like other search engines.


Many call it "Chinese Google" as it takes up most of the Chinese market, and most of its users are from China, and it is popular among users who are interested in Asian markets.

Its results are distinguished by their high quality, and the most prominent shortcomings come in the questions related to the integrity of the results imposed by government oversight on it.


DuckDuckGo does not have its own engines like Google and Bing, but it relies on a lot of sources for its research, and it is constantly evolving.

If you are looking for privacy and do not want ads to appear whenever you search for something, then DuckDuckGo is definitely the best option because it does not track, collect or store user traffic, their slogan is the search engine that does not follow you.

It displays ads but it is not personal, and its search page is easy and displays results very quickly and on the same page, but its results from images are limited.


SEO is the improvement of search engine results for the appearance of the site on the first page in the SERP to reach the largest number of target customers.

When working on the SEO of your site, you should take into account other search engines because this will help you appear on the first pages and thus reach your target customers faster and more.

Also, when targeting diverse markets, you can display your ads on the search engines that occupy the second and third positions, as the competition between them is close, as the cost of advertising on them is often lower than the cost of advertising on Google.

Comments (13)

  • Comment Author
    Mar 24,2022


    Before knowing anything about SEO I thought that it was such a big struggle and not anyone can master it.. Thank you for these informations

  • Comment Author
    Mar 24,2022

    Eva Petruzziello

    Great information. Thank you.

  • Comment Author
    Mar 24,2022


    Fascinating information! Great read :)

  • Comment Author
    Mar 24,2022


    Great info! I need to work on SEO more.

  • Comment Author
    Mar 24,2022

    Esmé Slabbert

    Thanks for sharing, it's always great to read and get more insight into SEO as it's something that I need to do more and implement more. Tweeted

  • Comment Author
    Mar 24,2022

    Nicolle Spohn

    Nicely broken down, thank you so much! Was a great read!

  • Comment Author
    Mar 25,2022


    It was interesting seeing all the search platforms compared! I see I need to prioritize google for the time being.

  • Comment Author
    Mar 26,2022


    this is really good

  • Comment Author
    Mar 27,2022

    Helen Story

    A very understandable, original post on a much blogged about topic. Very interesting to look at different search engines, it's so easy to just get hung up on Google. Very useful!

  • Comment Author
    Mar 27,2022


    Thank you for this as it is written in such a straightforward manner that I found it so easy to understand. Some great information.

  • Comment Author
    Jun 16,2022


    very easy read... and yahoo is still a thing? wow!

  • Comment Author
    Jun 16,2022

    Libeya Bethwel

    This is your second article for me to read and I must say I've gotten valuable information on SEO. I think you have broken down complex SEO concepts into simple and straight-forward concepts that a newbie can easily grab. Keep up the good work.

  • Comment Author
    Jun 16,2022


    Great info on how search engines work! Bookmarking this post!

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